Wednesday, July 30, 2008

About the Armed Services YMCA:

The Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA) is the nation’s leading non-profit organization providing educational, recreational, social and religious support services to junior enlisted military personnel and their families. In 2006 alone, more than 9,133 individuals nationwide volunteered their time to help ASYMCA serve more than 400,000 military families.
A History of Service
The YMCA’s dedication to America’s armed forces began in 1861 with the Civil War, when a handful of YMCA members voluntarily provided relief services to men in uniform. The first permanent Army YMCA was established at Fort Monroe, Va., in 1889. These services continue to expand today.
Meeting the Needs of Military Families
Enriching the quality of life for military families is at the core of ASYMCA’s mission. Healthy families contribute substantially to success of the military and defense community during peacetime and more importantly, in times of war. The Armed Services YMCA promotes strong kids, strong families and strong communities through its many support services.

For more information about the ASYMCA, please visit their website at